Monday 9 November 2015

Baby animal shelter

This is a photo of a baby animal shelter that Dad and I created at home.  I did most of the measurements for the wooden box. We did make some modifications to my original plan one of these was the light.  This is now on a hook so we can adjust it to the height we need it.  We also changed it from a wooden box to a wire box with a metal tray in it.
This whole experience began when Dad came home with a turkey chick.  I brought two of them to school, sadly one of them died from a broken neck.  Dad managed to get two more, but one of those died too.  So now we have two left and this enclosure will work well for them.  I will use zip ties to keep them safely inside.

Friday 25 September 2015

Junior Production

This is video of our class song at the Junior Production.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Bee Report


Bees scientific name is Apis mellifera.

HabitatWarm countries are good for bees because they're not too hot and they're not too cold. Sunny meadows are good for growing flowers.  Bees live in flowery places to collect nectar.  Bees have to live in a hive to survive.  Bees store honey and larva in hexagonal cells.

DescriptionBees are only 80 millimeters long.  Bees have six legs.  Their legs grow from their thorax.  Bees antennae help them hear and smell.  The tongue is called a proboscis.  If you look up close you'll see that there are veins in the wing.  The abdomen contains the sting and is sort of like a tail. Bees eyes are compound, this means they can see in any direction.  They have stripes to warn others of their sting.

A bee can only fly 5km from the hive and they don't like to fly in the rain.  Bees do the waggle dance to communicate where the nectar is.  Worker bees collect nectar and make it into honey which they put in their hexagonal cells.  Workers look after larva until their metamorphosis.  The queen bee lays the eggs and keeps the hive going.

Bees depend on flowers for honey.  Flowers sometimes depend in bees to pollinate them.  Flowers are essential for bees.

Bees have lives like you.  They make life possible by pollinating flowers and trees.